Civil Engineering
Pavement Design
- Assessment of traffic information to establish design loadings
- Highway Pavements – to Design Manual for Roads & Bridges (DMRB CD 226)
- Pavement Foundation Design to CD 225
- Heavy Duty & Industrial usage pavements
- Specification of bituminous materials to BS 594987
- Carparks/Industrial Estate Roads/Residential Roads/Trunk Roads/Local Authority Roads
Drainage Design
- Surface water drainage – Filterdrains/Carrier drains/Kerb Systems/Swales & SUDs
- Soakaway design
- Foul Drainage
Design of road restraints/fencing
- Safety Barriers and Pedestrian systems (DMRB CD 377)
- RRRAP (Road Restraints Risk Assessment Process) Assessment (for roads >50mph)
- Structural design of accoustic barriers

Traffic signs and roadmarkings
- Design in line with Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions (TSRGD)
- Temporary & Permanent Roadmarkings
- Post & Foundation Design/sizings including passive equiptment
Highways design
- Horizontal & Vertical Alignment design
- Cut & Fill analysis & Assessment of quantities
- Junction/access design
Developer Works
- Section 38/106/278 Agreement Works
- Layout/drainage/pavement/signage
- Retaining structures
- Approval in Principle documents (AIP)
- Box culverts/Underpasses
Supervision of construction/assessment against design/checking & approval of materials and Technical Queries